
It was great to be in Sevilla again.  We had spent a couple of days sightseeing there in 2018 so we didn't feel any need to rush out and try to see everything again.  This allowed us to focus on getting the bikes totally ready, picking up a few items like cycling socks, a European campground power adapter, and fuel for our camp stoves.  We visited the Archivos de Indias, which has all of the ship manifests and other documents from the age of exploration.  Sevilla was the main port of departure for journeys across the Atlantic in the 15th and 16th centuries, including Columbus's initial voyage in 1492.  You don't really get to see more than a few documents as a tourist but researchers can apply for access to the collection.  

Cervantes statue

La Giralda

Setas at night

International Women's Day demonstration

Archivos de Indios

Once the bikes were fully ready, we took a 25km round-trip ride out to the ruins of the Roman city of Italica where there is an amphitheater and the remains of the town.

Sweet bike path to Italica

Italica amphitheater

Common bathroom in Italica

Italica mosaic

We visited the cathedral on our final day.  It's the largest cathedral in the world and includes Christopher Columbus's tomb.  

Christopher Columbus's tomb

On March 10th, we woke up, checked out of our apartment, and headed to the train station with our fully loaded bikes.  The plan is to take the commuter train out to a small town called Benacazon and start biking from there.


  1. Great pictures guys! Looking forward to seeing your next stop!


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